Stress, Uncertainty, Pandemics, and Me

Posted on Apr 26, 2020

Broken, but together

Let’s be honest – 2020 is a year that nobody really expected would happen. What appears to be a global biological crisis is not the future that we expected, hoped, nor prepared for. My 40th birthday was going to be a hell of a time – Black Hat, DEFCON, a week of catching up on work, and then Burning Man.

I had my Plane Tickets, Hotel rooms, and an RV Rental already ready to go. I was making my pixelblasters and solar panels for Burning Man. I was going to celebrate my “Over the hill” birthday in style.

Then COVID-19 blasted the US.

I’m feeling rather broken right now.

With that said, what I’m feeling fails to compare to what those who have lost loved ones are thinking and feeling – be it from Suicide, be it from COVID, or be it from stress about losing your job and your livelihood – and I should really stop complaining and start doing more things for the community. I can get my money back. I have job security in this very uncertain time. I will be ok…and I will be stronger after all of this.

As a country, as a team, as a person: we will overcome this.

We will get past this. We will not let this year define who we are.

Artist: Michael Benisty