The Payroll Protection Program

Posted on Apr 24, 2020

As many of you know, I have a small business (in fact, I have two of them, but, that’s another topic for another day). The minute the PPP was announced, I went to my friendly bank, US Bank, and applied for the PPP.

The process itself took about 90 minutes – a lot of it was questions dealing with the application, but, the other half of it was fighting against its website. My status went from there to “Approved,” then to “Pending,” then they ran out of funding.


I’ve covered payroll for my employees out of my other job that I’m working, and we move on to the next week.

Now, US Bank has me “Ready for submission to the SBA,” but, I don’t really have a lot of faith in this. I’ve also applied at Lendio (the /r/smallbusiness subreddit is a wealth of information, and I was urged to apply at their bequest).

We’ll see who comes through first – Lendio, or US Bank.